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Random 5 on the 4th – the Capitol, summer tunes and more


I missed Random 5 Friday so instead am doing Random 5 for the 4th – here we go!

1. Today is Saturday, July 4th, our nation’s “birthday.”   The birds are singing, the weather is hot and hazy, and we are celebrating our nation’s independence by independently deciding to lay low, hang out pool-side, and chill.  Ahh.


Summer is here!

2.  One month ago I was in our nation’s Capitol on business.  Being a new citizen and representing my company in the highest offices of the land thrills me beyond description.   Walk 34 miles in heels in 90F heat? No problem.  Endure multiple security checkpoints? Sure.  Witness a vote from the Senate gallery?  Mind-blowingly cool. Sit down with members of the United States Congress over and over again? A-m-a-z-i-n-g.

on this day in 1776, the Second Continental Congress approved and adopted the Declaration of Independence. Happy Independence Day!   https://www.visitthecapitol.gov/

On this day in 1776, the Second Continental Congress approved and adopted the Declaration of Independence. Happy Independence Day! https://www.visitthecapitol.gov/

3.  Listening to the radio last night something we heard brought us right back to our teens:  the hits-from-coast-to-coast!   Remember how every summer holiday weekend brought the top 40 countdown?  Did you ever sit next to the radio and record the songs played?  I remember my cousin and I shushing our brothers because a favorite song was coming up soon and we were determined to “catch it.”  I couldn’t tell you what happened to those tapes but I know there were a lot of them!

cassette recorder

Shh … Rod Stewart is up next!

4. Speaking of music, we also reminisced about our experiences with the “Columbia Music House” collection and what a deal we thought it was — 11 choices for a $1.00 plus the added requirement to purchase more at  ridiculously inflated prices. We were kids, we didn’t know any better.  His choices included Ted Nugent, Supertramp and Chicago.  Mine included Elvis (duh!), the Oak Ridge Boys and Boston. Funny.

This was me at 15 and I think the worried look can be attributed to an overdue shipment from Columbia records!  An Emjayandthem (C) photo

This was me at 15 and I think the worried look can be attributed to an overdue shipment from Columbia records! An Emjayandthem (C) photo

5. Stopped at the Farmer’s Market Thursday and picked up the biggest, tastiest tomato ever.  I did that so I could enjoy this for my lunch today:

Toasted Tomato Sandwich  ~ ahh, Summer!

Toasted Tomato Sandwich ~ ahh, Summer!

I hope that wherever my words find you, whether you’re American or not, you join us in celebrating her birthday today. I hope you take a moment to step outside and look up at the sky – our brilliant shared sky – and I hope that, just like me, you can do so without fear.

 ** God Bless America! **

What are your plans for the Holiday today?  Did you ever tape the top 40 hits off the radio?  Had a toasted ‘mater sandwich lately?

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